Three leader topics, tools, and access to JIGSAW School offers K-12 school leaders focused instruction designed to enhance instructional leadership.

Key Element One: Self-paced training

Online, self-paced training offers "anytime, anywhere" availability. Resources are downloadable for individual use.

Key Element Two: Digital Downloads

Digital download topics range from resources designed to create PLC's for Leaders, resources designed to support building/district instructional teams and resources designed for leaders seeking to select and implement an instructional framework for educator evaluation systems.

Key Element Three: Free, Online Collaboration Resource

JIGSAW School Community platform for leader collaboration is available for free to all school leaders who want to get, gather, and give ideas and strategies focusing on instructional leadership. "Instructional Leaders in Montana and Beyond" is available without purchase.

Call to action! Create your free account today!

Today's instructional leaders must be able to manage time, focus on instructional practice, provide high-quality feedback to all staff, and finally promote instructional growth for each educator in your school or district. Training is guaranteed or your training fees are refunded!