Empower yourself with the knowledge to increase rater competence and improve feedback quality.

Achieve inter-rater reliability and validity through calibration, fostering consistency in teacher competency assessments.

Experience all calibration steps firsthand with video-based tools, elevating your skills and professional development.

Empower Your Leadership with Calibration Support

Embark on a quest to understand calibration in school leadership. Uncover the secrets to improving rater skills, ensuring fair evaluations, and offering valuable feedback to teachers. This download is your pathway to honing calibration skills and achieving professional growth.

Massachusetts Calibration Introduction

Teach Forward Align Platform

While the Teach Forward Align platform is not supported in this guide, it is the platform recognized by JIGSAW School for additional small group or individual calibration training.  The digital download provides leaders with introductory level information to better understand why participating in leader calibration is a game changer!

Unlock the Power of Calibration Today

Take the first step towards enhancing your leadership skills and fostering consistency in teacher evaluations. Download the guide now!

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