Module Topics

    1. Welcome to JIGSAW School

    2. How to Move Through the Module!

    3. Lesson #1: Types of Evidence and Their Impact on Data Collection

    4. Lesson #2: The Benefits of Observing in the Classroom

    5. Lesson #3: Gathering Observation Evidence

    6. Lesson #4: Chapter #1 Check for Understanding

    1. Lesson #1: Charlotte Danielson "Observation Process"

    2. Lesson #2: Oral and Written Feedback Methods

    3. Lesson #3: Writing High-Quality Feedback

    4. Lesson #4: Staff Feedback Survey--Find out How Your Staff Perceives Feedback!

    5. Lesson #5: The Difference between Observation Notes, Rationale, and Feedback.

    6. Lesson #6: Check for Understanding. Time to validate your learning!

    1. Three-Step Process for Evaluators

    2. Example of an Evaluator Analysis Aligned to the Danielson Framework for Teaching

    3. Putting it Altogether--Assembling the JIGSAW Puzzle.

    1. Lesson #1: Process for Analyzing the Evidence

Collecting and Analyzing Observation Evidence

  • 16 lessons