An Introduction of an Instructional Framework Created for All Educators

Educators can earn OPI Renewal Credits

    1. Self-Assessment Survey

    2. Lesson #1: Training Module Learning Outcomes

    3. Lesson #2: Setting the Stage for Analyzing a Domain (Audio Presentation) --Introductory Overview of the Framework for Teaching

    4. Lesson #3: Wisdom of Practice, (Danielson Video)

    1. Lesson #1: Instructional Models Defined

    2. Lesson #2: Montana Educator Model Evaluation Tools

    1. Lesson #1: Framework for Teaching at A Glance Exploring Domain One Planning and Preparation

    2. Lesson #2: Domain One Exploration Audio Presentation and Training Summary

    3. Lesson #3: Achieve the Core ELA Video Lesson (Part of Audio Presentation)

    4. Lesson #4: Reflection and Discussion Questions

    5. Lesson #5: Training Evaluation Survey

Recommended Participants

  • Free
  • 11 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • All Educators
  • School Board Trustees
  • Instructional Coaches

Discover what is happening in your school district or state!

Self-paced training designed to offer based on audience or timeframe!

Why Access This Educator Evaluation Information?

10.55.724 (1) The local board of trustees shall ensure the completion of periodic written evaluations of all regularly employed instructional personnel who are under written contract. Employees evaluated shall have access to a copy of the evaluation instrument, the opportunity to respond in writing to the completed evaluation, and access to the employee's files. (2) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall develop and publish model evaluation instruments that comply with this rule in collaboration with the Montana Federation of Public Employees, the Montana Rural Education Association, the Montana School Boards Association, the School Administrators of Montana, and the Montana Small School Alliance. A school district adopting and using one of the model instruments shall be construed to have complied with this rule, though use of one of the models shall not be required provided that the district's evaluation instrument and process substantially conform to the requirements set forth in this rule. (3) The local board of trustees shall implement an evaluation component as outlined in the integrated strategic action plan described in ARM 10.55.601

  • Content Value

    Montana has been engaged in the improvement of teacher evaluation systems for many years. This introductory training offering is designed to provide a brief history of the conversation as well as current thinking. Trustees, leaders, and educators across the state of Montana are required to include information in the newly designed Strategic Action Plan. This information will assist this initiative.

  • Participant on Your Time!

    Participants have access to explore the information individually, small group, or whole staff. Figure out what works best for your team.

  • MT. OPI Educator Evaluation Information

    Montana Office of Public Instruction has updated information regarding accreditation rule change 10.55.724. Supporting educators to implement a high-quality educator evaluation system is paramount.