Easily determine the right instructional framework based on your school's values and beliefs.

Follow the 10 action steps to boost the success rate of choosing your specific framework.

Equip all educators with the tools and knowledge to drive positive change in your school or district.

"Choosing and Implementing an Instructional Framework Guide for Educators" Action Steps #1-10

Section One, "Choosing" and Instructional Framework, provides 10 actionable steps to help educators in schools or districts select the most suitable instructional framework to create an educator evaluation system which promotes individual growth and development.  The action steps are designed for a school or district instructional team to  address the many decisions necessary for a successful implementation.

Dr. Jo Swain is a retired administrator from Montana

Hello, I'm Jo Swain, Your Personal Transformation Mentor and Guide on this Educational Journey

As an educator dedicated to enhancing instructional frameworks, I've curated these action steps to empower you in making informed decisions and achieving successful framework selection and implementation. Join me on this transformative journey towards educational excellence.

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