Learn how to provide building instructional leadership teams (BILT) with research-based interventions  to support instructional leader actions and skills.

Explore resources to promote collegial collaboration and solutions in assisting the prioritization of instructional leader actions. 

Discover alternative approaches to current organizational challenges inhibiting time and attention to instruction. 

Empower Your School with this BILT Resource

School or district instructional leadership teams face a common challenge - the lack of time to focus on instructional topics and actions. Our Building Instructional Leadership Team (BILT) Resource is designed to provide valuable insights, information, and strategies to seek interventions worthy of implementation. Dive into a wealth of information that will assist your building leaders in offering alternative solutions to support principals.

Dr. Jo Swain is a retired administrator from Montana

Meet Your Expert Guide,  Dr. Jo Swain

As an expert in educational leadership, I understand the struggles faced by school leaders in prioritizing instructional matters. With years of experience, I am passionate about empowering school and district teams to enhance their leadership capabilities. Join me on this journey to transform instructional practices and drive positive change in your educational environment.

Ready to Transform Your School Leadership?

Take the first step towards empowering your school or district teams with actionable insights and resources